YOU are the vital part of the

You will see your new art go through many changes, over the next month.
 The next three days are the most important for ultimate care.

healing process

take good care of your new tattoo

Wash your hands! Then, unwrap and wash well using warm/hot water and gentle soap. Use your hand only, no scrubbing. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

*Make sure you remove all the slimy pigment and plasma that seeped out.

Throughout the day wash your new tattoo 3-5 times. Let your tattoo dry on its own or gently pat dry with a clean paper towel. Keep it Clean. Let it Breathe!

*NO oils, ointments or lotion! Wash any time you think it may have gotten any germs on it.

Before bed, wash, pat dry with a clean paper towel and re-cover with new clean plastic wrap.

Day/Evening after getting tattooed

Next Morning

Our 24+ years of experience find it best to keep your fresh tattoo wrapped overnight. 

Day 3

Same thorough washing ritual as Day two. 

NO oils, ointments or lotion! Keep it Clean. Let it Breathe~

No more plastic wrap at night for the remaining period of healing.

Continue to keep your new tattoo Clean! WASH, WASH, WASH, pat dry with clean paper towel and use VERY SPARINGLY, a small amount of coconut oil or unscented lotion. 1-2 times per day is all you need.

Keep it Clean, let it Breathe- letting it be a bit more dry is a good thing.

Absolutely NO Direct Sunlight for a month. Cleanliness is still key. Wash frequently with warm water and soap. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR TATTOO unless your hands are clean.

Be gentle with your skin. If you scab, leave the scab on as long as it takes to fall off naturally. Picking at your tattoo results in loss of pigment.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give the studio a call~ 704-332-3377

Day 4 and on

What about numbing cream?