Continuing Steps
along your

3-D Nipple Tattooing, also called Areola Restoration - we prefer "Areola Renewal" - and/or our Custom Breast Adornment could be the next step in your Healing Journey. We offer this compassionate and professional service for Breast Cancer Survivors after treatment and a full recovery.

We  extend this creative care to our Trans Community after top-surgery or other body modification that calls for a little extra attention.

 A Tattoo is a Beautiful way to Transform scar tissue into Art and beckon you to
 Love Your Body again~

The Healing work has already begun and you are worthy of the very best and most Creative Care there is as you step back into your Power. At Haylo, we know the commitment to Yourself is key and the integrity of your skin is paramount to us. 
Treat Yourself Well and when you feel ready to move forward, please fill out our After Mastectomy Vision Form below. Right timing is important to us and we will follow up with you to discuss the next step in our consultation and scheduling process.

healing journey

haylo is here for you



How soon can I get my Tattoo Art?

To assure the best canvas possible, for the best healing potential, we recommend 1 year Fully Healed after your Final Surgery. This specialized work is prioritized by our professional and caring staff to assure all your questions are answered before moving forward with the Tattoo Process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is it going to feel like?

Mastectomy often leaves you with limited sensation. The tattooing process can stimulate the nerves and although you may not feel anything to the touch, the intimate and specific needling can have you feeling some random sensations in the breast or chest, and sometimes mildly elsewhere in the body. This is completely normal. We like you to be aware that tattooing may “wake up” some sensation in your breast tissue and we know that ultimately this is a wonderful thing. 

What is the healing process like?

The healing process should be fairly quick and relatively easy. The needling perforates the top layer of skin and lays the pigment just into the top of the layer that renews naturally every month. Around the 4th day your skin is well on its way. It will begin peeling like a sunburn which lasts about a week to a week and a half. You should feel like it is completely healed at this time although it truly takes a good 4-5 weeks to completely regenerate and create a healthy barrier to UV rays or potentially needed touch-ups.

How should I prepare?

Eat well and hydrate your body. All systems work together for the healing process so prepare your heart and mind as well as your body. Get good rest and breathe deep. It’s nice to wear comfortable clothing, bring your own pillow and if you're nervous, consider headphones if/when you need to get in the zone and focus more intently within. If your scar tissue is tight, gentle massage in the weeks leading up to your appointment is usually helpful as your loving touch readys the area for this Transformation. 

Do we take insurance?

No, we are not a medical facility, have no medical codes and do not work directly with insurance providers. We do offer you this work at a specialty rate to assure more access for our clients. 

How does radiation affect the Tattoo?

Radiation leaves the skin in a compromised state. Irradiated skin is a higher risk for cellulitis. This does not mean you should not get Tattooed, it means you will need to be extra cautious and meticulous with your after care. If you experience extra redness, heat on your breast, swollen lymph nodes or fever - please call your doctor right away. Make sure to note this on your Vision Form and speak directly with your Artist.

What about Chemo?

Chemotherapy can certainly affect your healing process because it can supress your immune system. There are different types of Chemo and everyone is unique. We recommend asking your doctor what is right for you before being Tattooed.

To avoid bacteria exposure, make sure you have washed your hands before removing plastic wrap. Avoid touching your tattoo or the skin around your tattoo unless you are washing the area.  

• Throughout the first 3 days, you will remove the plastic wrap and wash your tattoo kindly with gentle soap and good warm/hot water. DO NOT use bar soap, high fragrance, or any soap with exfoliating bits in it. Use ONLY your clean hands while washing. 

• Wash your tattooed skin using warm/hot water 3 times a day. You want the water warm enough to open the pores and clean deeply. Rinse with cool water and REPEAT to remove any excess ink or plasma.

• Pat your skin dry with a clean paper towel, give it a few minutes to breathe and re-cover with new, clean plastic wrap after each washing.

Healing instructions for Breast adornments & areola renewal 

Keep your tattooed skin covered with clean plastic wrap for the first 3 days & 3 nights.

It’s Imperative that you take the absolute, Best care of yourself, always; and certainly, during this chapter of your Healing Journey. Follow the instructions below Carefully to ensure your Tattoo will Heal swiftly and smoothly.

Don't be alarmed

You may notice excess pigment under the plastic wrap and feel slime on your skin while washing your tattoo; that slime is a combination of the excess pigment and blood plasma. Gently and thoroughly washing your tattoo twice daily, promotes regeneration of skin cells and reduces the risk of any scabbing. 

You may remove the plastic wrap, wash your tattoo, and pat dry; no more plastic wrap needed. Thereafter, continue washing your tattoo three times daily, pat dry with a clean paper towel and use a tiny amount of coconut oil to lightly moisturize. *If you are allergic to coconut you may use unscented lotion such as Lubriderm.  

If you have had radiation and lymph nodes removed, you may be at a greater risk of cellulitis. If you notice excess redness, swelling, increased heat, or fever please seek medical care. 

Please follow up with us so that we know how well you’re healed and if you may need any touch up. Thank you so much for sharing this Beautiful Life with us.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give the studio a call~ 704-332-3377

After night 3