At Haylo Healing Arts Lounge in beautiful Charlotte, NC, we are all about Self Discovery through Self Expression; Radical Self & Community Care~
Over 24 years experience and the Queen City's first ALL Female Tattoo Studio, Est. January 2015. Woman owned, operated and nurtured~
We honor the ebb and flow of Life's Natural and Cosmic Cycles. Imaginative and Intuitive, we embody and imbue Divine Feminine energy into this Deeply Personal Work.
We understand that every person is unique and work closely with you to Create the Sacred & Permanent Symbols to represent your Soul~
We Actively Create a Culture of Care contrary to "traditional" Tattoo shops.
I am one of the first
Female Tattoo Artists in Charlotte;
a Professional since 2001.
Styled by the Virtues of
Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love~
Here we offer a Safe and Sacred Space for ALL people.
This is a haven of non-judgement and acceptance;
Equity & Inclusion.
We identify with and honor the multitude of paths we all take to
~Be Here Now~
Our custom process is completely unique in the industry.
We value YOU as an important part of our ART .
This is a living art and we leave room for growth, change and your new ideas. We charge for all the time it takes to work directly with you on your appointment day.
Enjoy the comfy, compassionate atmosphere as you wait in our Healing Arts Lounge.
It's more than a Tattoo, it's YOU~
We believe in supporting other businesses whose missions align with our own. Check out some of our community connections~